Friends are Friends Forever

A friend...used to be of close buddies, really missed her presences...She came without noone knowing and she left without anyone knowing too.Night after night she pretend of my never-existences...I tried to approached but it seems she just got further away. I was hurt... But tonight I had to accept the fact that I've lost a friend...a friend I will have difficulties forgetting about. What happen my friend...I tried to walk on but it seems that I'm just lying to myself. U just cut yourself away from my world. What have I done to received such a punishment?
If you really wanted to go away , you could at least said "goodbye".
My bdae is cuming only wish is to see u tere...smiling and wishing me the bestest of birthdays!!
But thats just a wish I know I'll never get...
Words were a deeper tots...Hidden feelings were revealed. Truth was once left tis is wat Broken Wingz feel?? So tis is were tots of friendship is??? Broken Wingz, a sincere heart leads to a most sincere care w/o love n let it b unseen...Don't give more to Know tat ur receiving less..i wish...i wish...tat my others wldnt get to read this...
Hapi adVance birthday Broken Wingz..hope ur birthday be filled with loved ones..who means it...