Sometimes when I cry...No one knows.

Do u really mean when u said u wanted to be my friend....
How i laid my faith in u without hesitation...
I trusted u...

I felt cheated much I've sacrificed for u but why do u turn your back on me in times of need. Maybe you're busy...maybe you're caught up with something...but why can't u be there for me like how I was there for u. I'm alone...I'm hurt...I need a helping hand. I needed someone to talk to...but u weren't there. U were there in times of laughters and smiles but where are u in times of tears?
I never mixed my friendship with love like how others had done before...My friendship was as pure as my first smile at u. All I see now is a long, dusty road with just my own shadow to accompany me along my unknown journey.
Thanks my friend...

U made me realized what friends are for.....


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