
A beautiful angel approached me that I look into her eyes I can see her much she is struggling to be strong. I've the utmost respect for her...a broken angel so alone in this world. I felt her pain.
Tears rolling down her smooth face...How could I let this angel cry...Oh how much i would like to hold her in my arms and comfort her like how a father is there for their children. She was special to me...
She wanted so much to give up...
Dun give up little one...I maybe gone one day but be sure my presences will always linger around you...comforting you at times of need.
How I could give her the answer to all her questions...I was lost like the wilderness of the world not knowing what to do. Unlike me I've nobody to turn to...but not you little one.
I am here...I give you my word.
Little one please dun every tears which is cried upon is how much it bleeds in my heart.
Be strong...he has to go one day. Let him go gracefully...Let him see that you have moved on. Let him see that same smile on your face which he used to see. He was a great man, a great friend and he will be always be...Its time to say Goodbye.
She wanted so much to give up...
Dun give up little one...I maybe gone one day but be sure my presences will always linger around you...comforting you at times of need.
How I could give her the answer to all her questions...I was lost like the wilderness of the world not knowing what to do. Unlike me I've nobody to turn to...but not you little one.
I am here...I give you my word.
Little one please dun every tears which is cried upon is how much it bleeds in my heart.
Be strong...he has to go one day. Let him go gracefully...Let him see that you have moved on. Let him see that same smile on your face which he used to see. He was a great man, a great friend and he will be always be...Its time to say Goodbye.
I once heard an old man said..
" God created us to feel Love, Pain and Satisfaction...thats why we are special. That differentiate us and all the things in the universe. Life is like the never-ending. There are lots of things to explore.
hand which is offered to you guide you along the journey."
hand which is offered to you guide you along the journey."